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Posted by DanielS on Friday, 25 August 2017 15:57.
Euractiv, “Poland sticking to its ‘zero-refugee’ policy”, 25 Aug 2017:
While migrant relocations reached record levels this year (peaking in June with over 3,000) Poland and Hungary remained steadfast in their refusal to participate in EU-mandated resettlement efforts. EURACTIV Poland reports.
Despite the fact that the European Commission has initiated an infringement procedure against Poland – along with the Czech Republic and Hungary – for “non-compliance with their legal obligations on relocation”, Poland is maintaining its stance – as, the Minister of the Interior and Administration, Mariusz Błaszczak, said in a letter to the European Commission on Wednesday (23 August).
In the same letter, Błaszczak informed the Commission that Poland has applied for cancellation of the infringement procedure.
Błaszczak’s views on the relocation scheme have also been consistent. “Stating that the relocation system will heal the refugee problem is false, it’s a lie. EU policy is harmful, not to say suicidal, as regards open borders,” he said in May, explaining, “Poland will not accept any refugees.”
In Wednesday’s correspondence, Błaszczak repeats his position that the relocation solution is wrong and dangerous, reiterating that national safety is the sole responsibility of each EU member state.
“We do not agree to exceeding the EC’s Treaty rights to interfere in the national powers with regard to security, integration and social issues,” he wrote.
“Paris, Stockholm, Brussels, Berlin, Manchester, Barcelona. How many more European cities must be still attacked by terrorists to make European Union wake up? To make the European Commission finally admit that ‘blindly’ accepting everyone who reaches Europe’s coast is like looping a rope around Europe’s neck,” Błaszczak added.
Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 22 August 2017 07:46.
Robert Kuttner revealed his conversation with Bannon: “To me,” Bannon said, “the economic war with China is everything.” ... “Ethno-nationalism—it’s losers. It’s a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.” ...“These guys are a collection of clowns,” he added.
Democracy Now, “American Prospect Editor Robert Kuttner on His Extraordinary Interview with Steve Bannon”, 22 Aug 2017:
Democracy Now, Juan Gonzalez: Bannon’s departure came after a series of meetings last week with billionaire funder Robert Mercer who funds Breitbart and funded Trump’s campaign. Bannon met with Mercer on Wednesday and Trump met with Mercer on Thursday. Bannon departed the White house the following day.
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now: Just before he was ousted, Steve Bannon granted an extraordinary interview to Bob Kuttner, co-editor and co-editor of the liberal magazine the American Prospect
Robert Kuttner: “Every once in a while you get lucky as a journalist, and he never bothered to put the conversation off the record. As you know in journalism if a high public official or anybody calls you and doesn’t bother to say that its off the record it’s the default is that its on the record ...and he proceeded to say a bunch of staggeringly incuatious things; on the assumption because I had also criticized America’s China policy as having been dominated by corporations at the expense of workers; and because that sort of overlapped his critique that we were sort of old buddies and soul-mates…and he spent to first few minutes of the interview kind of ingratiating himself with me, telling me what a thrill it was to meet me after all these years, he’s been reading my stuff…
It was one part naivete (which is an odd word to use for Bannon), it was one part bravado, it was one part recklessness, and it was weird, because if he knew that he he was on thin ice, what’s he doing reaching out to me? Can you imagine Bannon trotting into a meeting of the National Security Council saying, “you’ll never guess who agrees with my analysis, Bob Kuttner’ ...that would push him over the edge and in fact it kind of did.”
... (the best explanation is that) he was on the ropes and he was negotiating with General Kelley and Trump to postpone his departure to after labor day and he thought he could rally his forces on let’s get tough with China….
....if he’d already been fired it would have been completely bizarre that he would have called me and said, ‘hey won’t you come to the White house?’ because that would have been complete fantasy land.
...this is not the world’s most stable person; on the other hand he has a very strategic analysis of how you connect ‘neo-Nazi’, ‘White supremacy’ nationalism to economic nationalism. What’s interesting here is that he’s been able to sell his boss, Trump, on the get in bed with the White supremacist parts of nationalism but he hasn’t been able to sell the rest of the administration on economic nationalism because of course they’re in bed with the corporations; its complete fake populism:
The most recent example of that is the idea that he would use crony capitalism, hiring these private armies and masquerade as isolationism. Who does he think pays for those private armies? It’s the US taxpayer and expensive as the pentagon is, these private armies are even more wasteful and more expensive; so he’s all over the map on a lot of stuff.
But on one thing he’s quite coherent and that came through in the interview: he thinks the winning strategy is, you connect racist nationalism, anti-immigrant nationalism, to economic nationalism.
The other interesting question going forward is whether Bannon is going to play a kitchen cabinet role, where he talks to Trump in the middle of the night, coaches him; Trump is famous for these midnight phone calls.
Or is he going to join a Breitbart who right now is kicking the president in the shins as kind of a sell-out.
....and in that interview with The Weekly Standard he was kind of on both sides of the question, he said that the Trump presidency that we fought for was over….so, even Bannon can’t have that both ways, especially because Trump hates being upstaged by his advisors. That’s what did in Bannon, its what did in Scaramucci.”
Amy Goodman: Talk about the other issues he addressed with you, for example, Charlottesville. ...with Charlottesville his brand of White supremacy, neo-Nazi, the whole issue of The Confederacy, he suddenly comes front and center…and this is when he’s talking to you ...in the midst of this catastrophic news conference on Friday…in fact what was the timing and Trump saying both sides were responsible on Saturday…
Kuttner: He called me about 20 minutes before the press conference started and its pretty clear that his finger prints were all over Trump’s strategy of doubling down on the racism.. there was a kind of a war between the people like Jared and Ivanka, who wanted him to back off, General Kelley, and Bannon who wanted him to double down, which makes the timing of the phone call even weirder.
Goodman: He said to you ‘the Democrats, the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ‘em; I want them to talk about racism every day; if the left is focused on race and identity and we go with economics we can crush the Democrats.’
Kuttner: Yeah, and I pushed him very hard on that in the interview. I said look, even if we agree that our China policy is basically selling-out to a combination of Bejing’s economic nationalism and our own corporations who are happy to take the subsidies, happy to take the slave labor in China and then re-export back to the United States, that really does hurt American industry, hurts American workers; but, I said, even if we agree on that, why do you have to get in bed with neo Nazis on order to take a harder line on China on behalf of American workers? And that’s when he kind of drew this picture of a grand strategy where you connect the economic nationalism and the racism to the idea you box in the Democrats by forcing the Democrats to defend people of color.
You know, I was listening before we went on, Amy, to the fellow who was talking about pulling down the statue of Columbus, because it all started with Columbus. If that’s the strategy that the left adopts, it almost plays into Bannon’s hands… I think if you took a vote and asked people do you agree that we ought to pull down the statue of Columbus because the racism and the anti-native peoples all started with Columbus, most people would side with Bannon; so he’s very astutely playing off of liberals and decent people against this idea that the White working class is beleaguered; he does this much more deftly than his boss does. You get the feeling that Trump’s default setting is now just pure racism, pure jingoism, nativism and even getting in bed with Neo-Nazis; whereas Bannon at least (((has a grand theory))) about what he’s doing.
There are two ways to look at what’s going to happen going forward, either with Bannon out Trump becomes even more unhinged, left to his own devices, or he decides to pull back and make more (((an alliance with the mainstream - laughs - far right, otherwise known as the Republican Party.)))
I think we’ll get an indication of this in Phoenix, if he does pardon Sheriff Arpaio, that’s doubling down on the Bannon recipe, because Bannon was the buy who really coached him, using Breitbart, about the genius of going after Mexicans as rapists, and going after anti-immigrants and building a wall, that was pure Bannon.
Juan Gonzalez: I would like to ask you about his remarks on North Korea?
Kuttner: He made it very clear that he completely disagreed with his boss and on this point Bannon was actually right, he said unless someone can explain to me how ten million South Koreans in greater Seoul are not going to be killed by conventional weapons in the first thirty minutes, this talk of war is not sensible, and of course that directly contradicted what his boss had said just days earlier.
Bannon’s view is that because the Chinese are not really helping us out with the North Koreans, they just go through the motions of that, it’s the logic of mutually assured destruction that prevents Kim from launching a nuclear attack on The United States, even Kim is not that crazy. And because that’s the reality, says Bannon, and I agree with him on this one point, we could be taking a much harder line on China. But State Department, Defense Department, U.S. Trade Rep. are all backing off on China on the belief that China is going to pull its chestnuts out of the fire with regard to North Korea.
That’s a shrewd analysis, this is not a stupid man. But its a hundred degrees opposite to what his boss says.
And iterestingly, both Trump and Kim have pulled back in the last few days and that’s also classic Trump, ‘oh, that was yesterday, never mind.’
Goodman: In fact, after pulling back on North Korea, Trump said he was going to bomb Venezuela.
Kuttner: Yeah, and what’s really interesting about bombing Venezuela is that he’s given a free pass dictators from the Philippines to Turkey to Hungary, to Moscow… but somehow..
Goodman: to Saudi Arabia
Kuttner: to Saudi Arabia, we could go on, but somehow he picks Venezuela to go after, so if you have a left wing regime violating human rights you go after them, if you have right wing dictatorships going after human rights, god bless them.
Goodman: So, he talked about the White supremacists at Charlottesville as clowns; can you talk about his evaluation of what took place there?
Kuttner: I think that was another effort in his part, completely insincere to ingratiate himself with a progressive journalist.. ...it’s like the guy who’ll say anything to get a woman to got o bed with him, so he starts improvising, ‘oh, they’re clowns, we don’t take them seriously, we’ve got to crack down on them’ ...you don’t think he believes that for ten seconds and his base knows he doesn’t believe that for ten seconds.
....it’s very encouraging to see the upsurge of activism on the anti-racist side. What is tricky is that most Americans who are not well defined left or well defined far right...
Goodman: Interestingly, the White nationalists have just cancelled a bunch of rallies after getting trounced in these organizing counter measures from Boston on…
Kuttner: I was very proud of Boston. We had upwards of 40,000 demonstrators.
The far right people who called for this rally were revealed to be the pitifully small group that they really are. And that’s what we need to show them up for.
....at the end of the day, there are not that many Neo-Nazis.
Part of the way that the way this is playing out makes it look as if a lot of American sympathize with neo-Nazis, they don’t. And they need to be contained, and the fact that decent Americans all over the spectrum are willing to come out, demonstrate, contain them, that’s fantastic.
“Barcelona attack: Police raid home of imam linked to cell behind twin terror attacks.”
Moussa Oukabir confirmed shot dead in Cambrils
Cambrils shoot out ’ was like a horror movie’
Who are the victims? British boy, seven, among the missing
Who are the suspects in the Spanish terror attacks? Everything we know about first attack on Spain in 13 years
Catalan investigators on Saturday raided the house of an imam in the town of Ripoll they believe may have overseen the cell which killed 14 people in twin terrorist attacks in Barcelona and the seaside resort of Cambrils.
Police are trying to piece together how a cell composed of multiple sets of brothers from the same sleepy Pyreenes town came to carry out the devastating attacks, amid reports they planned to blow up the Sagrada Familia.
The home of the imam, named as Abdelbaki Es Satty, was raided overnight from Friday to Saturday, with officers reportedly seeking - among other evidence - DNA samples which might link him to a building in the town of Alcanar believed to be where the attack was prepared.
El Pais, a leading Spanish daily, said they were investigating whether the imam, who apparently left Ripoll around a month ago, might be one of two dead bodies discovered in the Alcanar house. Sources involved in the investigation told El Confidencial they believed he was a “spiritual or idealogical leader” to the cell members, radicalising them and helping them to plan the attacks.
The sources cited the lack of previous terror links among the group, and said they had detected a number of trips by some members to France and Morocco. Police did not officially confirm or deny the reports.
A spokesperson for the Catalan force told the Telegraph they were working on the “principle hypothesis” that the cell was comprised of 12 members, 11 of whom have now been identified and hail almost exclusively from Ripoll.
Five members died at the hands of police in the attack on Cambrils late on Thursday night, which killed one woman and injured several others.
Telegraph, “Barcelona terror attack: van crashes into crowd at La Rambla, killing ‘at least 13”, 17 Aug 2017:
Terror in Barcelona as van hits crowd in Las Ramblas
Driver arrested after escaping scene on foot
Spanish media reports 13 people killed
A white van plowed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona’s historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police called it a terror attack and local media reported 13 dead and dozens more injured.
The driver was arrested around two and a half hours after the attack, reports said.
The vehicle hit pedestrians in Las Ramblas, a busy tree-lined promenade in the centre of the city.
Catalan police tweeted “there are mortal victims and injured from the crash” without specifying any numbers. Spanish media, including Cadena SER radio station and TV3, reported up to 13 dead, while other media had varying death tolls.
The street is one of the most well-known and popular parts of the city, visited by tourists and locals alike.
Images posted on social media appear to show people being tended to as they lay on the street.
Reports said the driver escaped the scene on foot and was holed up in a bar in Tallers Street. Armed police ran down the streets and through a market, checking in stores and cafes.
In photographs and videos, at least five people could be seen lying on the ground in the streets of the northern Spanish city on Thursday afternoon, being helped by police and others. Other video recorded people screaming as they fled the van.
Telegraph, “Barcelona attack victims: dead named, as fate of seven-year-old boy remains unconfirmed”, 19 Aug 2017:
Family and friends have confirmed the death of loved ones following the attack in Barcelona which killed at least 14 people and left many others injured.
Vice News, “ISIS claims responsibility for deadly Barcelona van attack”, 17 Aug 2017:
A speeding white Fiat van plowed into pedestrians walking down Barcelona’s popular La Rambla boulevard Thursday, killing at least 14 and injuring more than 100, in what Catalan police are calling a terror attack.
The Islamic State group, through its media arm Amaq news agency, claimed credit for the deadly attack.
Police arrested two suspects in connection with the attack, identifying one as Driss Oukabir, a Moroccan man in his late 20s and another, still unnamed, as a Spanish national from Melilla. Oukabir reportedly rented the van from the town of Santa Perpetua de la Mogada, just north of the city. Neither of the two men arrested were driving the van, according to a senior police official. Police are actively searching for the driver.
The van mowed down dozens of people driving for about 500m before the suspects fled on foot, according to local media. Police say it was an attack “intended to kill as many people as possible.” The Spanish newspaper El Pais, quoting unnamed police sources, reported the perpetrators of the crash were holed up in a bar on Tallers Street, near Las Ramblas. Police said rumors circulating on local media that a hostage situation had unfolded after the crash were unfounded.
Catalonia’s Interior Minister Joaquim Forn confirmed that 13 people were dead, and more than 100 wounded.
“It looked like something out of a film, guts and flesh.”
Officials initially described the incident as a “massive crash” and emergency services warned people to stay away from the area, closing metro and train stations in the general vicinity.
Eyewitnesses described the unfolding chaos as the reality of a terror attack set in.
“It looked like something out of a film — guts and flesh,” Alec Rugo, an American vacationing in Barcelona, told VICE News.
“It was really crazy. I didn’t know it was happening on the Ramblas,” said vacationer Moran Keren. “I saw some lady that I think was dying. It was crazy. A lot of people injured.”
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said he is in contact with the authorities and that the priority for now was to attend to the wounded. Barcelona’s mayor said she was suspending her vacation to attend to the emergency.
In the last 12 months across Europe, there have been multiple incidents where vehicles have been driven into crowds of people, killing well over 100 people in Nice, Berlin, London, and Stockholm combined.
Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 19 August 2017 18:03.
New Observer, “Africans Storm Cadiz Beach as Invasion Force Tops 118,684 as of August 6”, 10 Aug 2017:
African invaders have been filmed storming a beach in the Spanish city of Cadiz, after crossing the 60 miles between that city and the North African coast—and then scattering before authorities could catch up with them, in a vivid demonstration of the mass Third World invasion of Europe, just as the official number of nonwhite invaders of Europe has topped 118,684.
The video clip, filmed on August 9 on the Cadiz beachfront, shows a rubber dinghy full of nonwhites racing towards the beachfront, and just before it lands, the Africans disgorge and break out in a run for the beach, racing passed shocked holiday makers as they storm up into the city to vanish.
Invasion groups such as these are not counted in the official figures, which, according to the United Nations’ “International Organization for Migration” (IOM), reached 118,684 of 6 August 2017.
Of this number 116,692 of the nonwhite invaders had landed by sea—mostly by being transported to Europe by either the European Union’s own naval units or the race-traitor private far leftist European “charity” boats.
According to the IOM, the main nationalities of the nonwhite invaders arrivals (in descendant order) for June 2017 were as follows:
To Italy: Nigeria, Bangladesh, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Gambia; and to Greece: Syria, Iraq, Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Afghanistan.
For July 2016, the main nationalities of the invaders arriving by land in Bulgaria were Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Turkey.
However, the IOM figures do not tell the full story of the extent of the nonwhite invasion.
According to the European Union’s “European Asylum Support Office” (EASO) “Latest asylum trends – June 2017” report, in June this year, there were 58,403 “applications for international protection” made within the borders of the EU.
Of that number, “only” 7, 7 916 invaders claimed to be “Syrians,” only 14 percent of the total number of recorded applications. In June 2017, Nigeria became the second main citizenship of origin, with 4,010 applications lodged—an indication that the fake refugee invasion is increasingly becoming sub-Saharan African in origin.
New Observer, “Violent Africans Storm Spanish Enclave of Ceuta in “WW Z” Type Zombie Attack”, 7 Aug 2017:
At least 300 Africans—out of a mob of thousands—on Monday broke through the border fence surrounding the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in North Africa, in an attack which mirrored the mass zombie attack portrayed in the Hollywood film WW Z.”
The co-ordinated mass African attack started at 5 a.m. at the fence near Tarajalat. They stormed the fence en masse, nearly overwhelming the border guards.
Many were stopped, but around three hundred managed to break into the tiny enclave, which is located on the Moroccan coastline on the North African coast.
The invaders were remanded then to an immigration detention center where they submitted formal “asylum” requests, even though none of them come from countries which qualify in the slightest manner for “refugee” status.
Their intention is—as has previously been shown—to simply get to mainland Europe, where they quickly “vanish” while the race-denying liberals “consider” the “asylum” applications.
The African invaders were filmed celebrating their successful attack.
Last week, 73 African invaders used wire cutters to break through the razor-wire fencing to gain access to Ceuta. Spanish border police stopped another 180 invaders from entering through the hole.
Spain’s Interior Ministry estimated the number of invaders who had reached Spain via the border fence route had totaled 3,200 in 2016. So far in 2017, they say, that number has already doubled.
In February alone, about 850 African invaders pretending to be “refugees” stormed over the Ceuta border in a concentrated attack lasting four days.
‘Three’ knife-wielding attackers ‘shouting Allahu Akbar’ stab five women and man in sickening rampage leaving two dead.”
Police have confirmed “several people have been knifed” in the centre of Turku this afternoon - and there are reports ‘a woman and a baby’ was attacked.
Armed police have opened fire on knife-wielding attackers who witnesses claim were ‘screaming Allahu Akbar’ as they went on a rampage ‘randomly stabbing people’ in Finland.
Two people have died in what is suspected to be a terror-related incident - although police say it’s too early to be certain.
Police have confirmed “several people have been knifed” in the centre of Turku this afternoon - including ‘a woman and a baby’ in a pushchair, according to local media.
Early confused reports appear to suggest there may be as many as three attackers - and at least five women and one man stabbed, possibly more.
Other reports say there was just one “young male” assailant spotted covered in blood instead - who bystanders tried to fend off with a baseball bat while others rushed to help victims.
Video footage has emerged of police arresting a man on the ground near a pool of blood - and an assailant is being treated in hospital, police say.
One person is reported to have died at the scene - while another died in hospital.
“Defend Europe” Anti-Invasion Ship Celebrates 76% Drop in Invaders Since Mission Starts.”
The C-Star “Defend Europe” anti-invasion boat—funded by public subscription to the Generation Identity organization—has issued a statement celebrating a 76 percent drop in African invaders trying to land in Europe since their mission began at the beginning of August.
The drop is marked: from August 1 to August 10, 2016, some 6,554 invaders landed in Europe, while for the same period in 2017, “only” 1,572 invaders managed to make it ashore.
The C-Star statement—issued on Twitter—said that the “decrease in the number of illegal immigrants departures isn’t due to chance but the consequence of political decisions made by Italy and of its negotiations with Tripoli.
“However, the liberal government, based in Rome only reacted thanks to the growing media pressure during several weeks.
“The Defend Europe mission has played a crucial role in that sense, as you can simply check out on the recent media coverage.
“Our action shows that European citizens can coordinate at the [grass]root [level] in order to efficiently substitute [for the] state’s [in]action,” the C-Star statement continued.
At some point, the statement said, ten men on a ship, supported by millions of their peers on land, counted for more than all of the “charities” which are engaged in the illegal smuggling of invaders across the Mediterranean Sea.
This drastic fall in the number of crossing attempts “definitely proves” that the “charities” and their “uncontrolled operations are directly responsible for the massive arrival of illegal immigrants,” the statement added.
The figures about the decrease were released by Italian Interior Minister Marco Minniti late last week. Minniti—a member of the Italian Communist Party from 1980 to 1991—is most certainly not motivated by any desire to protect Europe, and is, as the Defend Europe statement alluded to, only reacting to public pressure on the matter.
According to a Politico report, the Italian government decided to finance the resurrection of the Libyan coast guard, just one of the organizations which collapsed when Minniti’s European Union (EU) and the Obama administration decided to destroy the Gadhafi government in Libya.
The collapse of the Gadhafi government served to open the door for the mass African invasion which only started in earnest after that event.
Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 13 August 2017 05:00.
Unhinge the Right
Video shows car crashing into Charlottesville protest. Witnesses say that it was absolutely intentional; it is being treated as homicide.
Fox News, A 32-year-old woman was killed Saturday and 19 others were injured, five of them critically, when a car rammed into a group of counter-protesters during the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va.
Virginia Secretary of Public Safety Brian Moran told the Associated Press that the driver of the car, a man, was in custody. Moran did not provide the driver’s name.
While following the goings on of the “Unite The Right Rally” in Charlottesville, in a live feed, Tara McCarthy took friendly questions from the likes of Roosh V. and fielded reports from the likes of Pax Dickinson, recommending that people contribute to his Mencious Moldbug (a Jewish man of Neo Reactionary fame) backed crowdfunding; Tara scolded “The Left” for counter-protesting what she says was meant to be a peaceful rally for free speech, and to encourage “normies” to join the cause of ethno-nationalism by showing them they’re not a bunch of neo-Nazis, skinheads and so-on. She might have wondered how that was supposed to happen with the motley array of right wingers that showed-up, including Commander Jeff Schoep’s Neo-Nazi group in full regalia, Carolina K.K.K., Matt Heimbach’s Jesus Freak Group, calling itself “The Traditional Workers Party” and a skinhead gang called “The Detroit Right Wings.”
Yep, (((they’ve))) marshaled a reactionary formation against the so-called “left.”
...with plenty of warning beforehand to nearly assure that there would be violence and prison sentences for those reactionaries coming most unhinged.
A death, dozens injured, including five critically, and a ruined life for the perpetrator of the car attack was only a somewhat surprising outcome of this mix.
Fox News, “Charlottesville white nationalist rally blamed for 3 deaths, dozens of injuries”, 12 Aug 2017:
A 32-year-old woman was killed Saturday and 19 others were injured, five of them critically, when a car rammed into a group of counter-protesters during the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va.
A helicopter crash that killed the pilot and a passenger later in the afternoon outside the university town also was linked to the rally by State Police, though officials did not elaborate on how the crash was connected.
At a late afternoon news conference, Charlottesville Police Chief Al Thomas said that 35 people had been injured in various confrontations during the rally and made a point of saying that none of those involved his officers. Thomas also said that the car crash was being treated as an act of “criminal homicide.”